Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Part 2: C.J.Jung and the Collective Unconscious

Go to the following website http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/jung.html and read about one of the following aspects of Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. Be prepared to speak about it in class.

Personal unconscious

Collective unconscious Archetypes

The Mother & Mana

The Shadow &The persona

Animus & Anima


Father &Child

Hero & the Wise Old Man

Animal & Trickster

Original Man & God



In the next lesson you will investigate the biology of sexual attraction and falling in love. In this way we will try to explain further Orsino's infatuation with Olivia.

Click on the link below and follow the instructions:

Part 3 The Biology of Attraction

Twelfth Night: Homepage

Nature, Art & Language

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